Kamogawa River Kyoto Hotel Development - Fourth Property Acquired
November 15th, 2018
We would like to announce our fourth property acquisition, directly adjoining to our previous three lots.
This fourth property's positioning is on the backstreet, similar to the previous lot, which squares off the entire property boundary and further improves the entrance way, as well as access by car and taxi. In addition, this gained street front means the accommodation property may increase in size, allowing us to create a larger full service hotel that further enhances the scale and quiality of the property we are invisioning.
The area located between the scenic Kamogawa River, and Takase canal, once called Gojo-Rakuen (Gojo-Paradise). The purchased property is located on the immediate river bank, overlooking Kamogawa river, with the mountain range behind Higashiyama district clearly visible from the front of the property.
The riverbanks of Kamogawa are prime cherry blossom and autumn leaves viewing spots, and are popular walking and cycling routes for residents and tourists.
Old World K.K. helps investors and owners unlock unlimited opportunities in Kyoto’s bustling property market, without the cultural or language barriers. From research to purchase, to property development and hotel operation Old World helps clients uncover, develop and manage hospitality properties through a complete turn-key solution.
For more information on owning property in Kyoto, please email Old World KK at contact@oldworldkk.com